nice avatar twilight.
um, yeah.
I know I know.
we were gonna buck this show, so as to open up the possibility
of playing last sunday at the skylab, but with all of their up in the airness
that show was cancelled.
I tried to get out of playing but CARARON would not let me.
plus these guys from ohmyha said they would hook us up with a show
in nebraska if we helped them out so I said okay. ( fuckin nebraska dude!!)
& they asked every other cool band in town and all the got was
unreturned calls, and a bunch of wishy washy-ness.
anyway, Bisaro is already there cooking tacos, Dr. Smith is there running sound .
I have nothing going on, so yeah, um....LETS ROCK- I mean lets noise it up!!!
i know yr. a corporate man and you have no time for these unpaid unattended local shows.
so yr. off the hook.
but next year twilight we take over clintonville, short north, olde towne, and then the midwest,
and then a few little cities in the deep south and Texas.
followed by a tour with some washed up 90's rockers on their second wind.
then on our 3rd Lp we break out the banjos and fiddles ( did i mention that i have a fiddle, my great great grandfather
made by hand(not the one related to George Bush but the other one) one the inside it is inscribed with the following....
The mystery of the violin solved 1936.) and take it to the next level. with fiddles comes comfest with comfest come the world.
but tonight it's just the CARABAR
(tho it is free).
Davey Hasbeen.